

walkthrough wogger mini #89


 wogger mini #89

wogger mini #89

Click the baby and he walks to the cave.

wogger mini #89

Click the cave, the baby goes in - now click the grass.

wogger mini #89

Click the lid of the cave - the baby comes out and wonders how he will get Daddy out of there!

wogger mini #89

wogger mini #89

Take the rope, place it on the branch, Wogger will hang in there.

wogger mini #89

Click Wogger's head so that his mind bubble appears. Take the branch on which he stood and place it inside.
The branch stays on the plateau, now click the top of the rope.

wogger mini #89

Wogger climbs up and we click the branch.

wogger mini #89


Besides these minigames, there is a large full version which can be bought here or try for free here www.wogger.de

Thanks a lot to Locke and www.gamepad.de for the solution and Ribbit for the translation!











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Bernd Mattiebe










Point und Klick, Abenteuerspiele, Browser Spiele Lösungswege
(C) 2012 wogger | woggerworld - Free online Games, Point and Click, Adventure games, browser based games walkthrough - by Bernd Mattiebe