

walkthrough wogger mini #25- #26


 wogger mini #25

wogger mini #25

Click on the rock and Wogger will walk there.
Let him walk up a bit and take the lamp.

wogger mini #25

Scare away the monster and hang the lamp onto the thick branch.
Click on the small branch and it falls down.

wogger mini #25

Take the branch, push back the monster with it,
and send Wogger into the green!

wogger mini #25

wogger mini #25


wogger mini #26

wogger mini #26

wogger mini #26

Take the green crystal and hold it into the sun, so that the sunrays break in the crystal and are reflected to the upper left side.

wogger mini #26

Now click the coloured cube on the green sides,
and it becomes red and big!

wogger mini #26

wogger mini #26

A roller shutter opens and Wogger goes up a bit.

wogger mini #26

Now throw down the broken branch,
and our little friend can safely walk on.



Besides these minigames, there is a full version which can be bought here

Thanks a lot to Locke and www.gamepad.de for the solution and Ribbit for the translation!











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game developer

Bernd Mattiebe










Point und Klick, Abenteuerspiele, Browser Spiele Lösungswege
(C) 2012 wogger | woggerworld - Free online Games, Point and Click, Adventure games, browser based games walkthrough - by Bernd Mattiebe