

walkthrough wogger mini #11 - #12


 wogger mini #11

Click the edge of the island and Wogger goes there.
Take the first board and put it on the abyss.

Now take the second board and use it as a prop.
Click the board on the front and Wogger goes there.
Click the board behind Wogger and his friend follows.

 Now get the third board out of the water and finish the footbridge. This way, both of them can reach the log safely.


wogger mini #12

Take the last board with you. Put it over the abyss, click it
and Wogger's girlfriend will get on it.

Now click on the right of the board, Wogger goes there
and jumps to the other side. Here he pushes a button,
and the log parts are joined by some mechanical contraption.

 Now take the board, place it across the abyss
 and our couple has mastered this challenge!


Besides these minigames, there is a full version which can be bought here

Thanks a lot to Locke and www.gamepad.de for the solution and Ribbit for the translation!











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Bernd Mattiebe










Point und Klick, Abenteuerspiele, Browser Spiele Lösungswege
(C) 2012 wogger | woggerworld - Free online Games, Point and Click, Adventure games, browser based games walkthrough - by Bernd Mattiebe